Shared ResourcesASET NIC partners can use these forums to share articles, and curriculum with the NIC to support each of the 3-D map sections along with how to best support pre-service teachers development of 3-D science instruction. Other Resources3D Science TeachingSample Student WorkUnit / Lesson Plan Assignment ResourcesClassroom ManagementTechnologyEnglish LearnersSelect 3-D Map Forum OptionsGrounding Phenomenon/Essential Questions Conceptual Goals Performance Expectations Learning Objectives Assessment Science and Engineering Practice(s) (SEP) Disciplinary Core Idea(s) (DCI) Crosscutting Concept(s) (CCC) How does this lesson/unit make explicit connections between the target SEP(s) and CCC(s)? (Cite specific evidence and reasoning.) How does this lesson/unit make explicit connections between the target CCC(s) and DCI(s)? (Cite specific evidence and reasoning.) Other Resources3D Science Teaching Sample Student Work Lesson Plan Templates Classroom Management Technology English Learners